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  1. Easy Comforts Style™ Front Zip Mesh Back Bra-354462 Easy Comforts Style™ Front Zip Mesh Back Bra-354462
    14 Options Available

  2. Cooling Zip-Up Shaper-369762 Cooling Zip-Up Shaper-369762
    5 Options Available

  3. Aluminum Lite 4-Wheel Rollator-354207 Aluminum Lite 4-Wheel Rollator-354207
    3 Options Available

  4. Folding Cane-346177 Folding Cane-346177
    2 Options Available

  5. 369331

  6. Silver Steps™ Wide Calf Compression Socks, 15–20 mmHg-358895 Silver Steps™ Wide Calf Compression Socks, 15–20 mmHg-358895
    Icon of product feature
    8 Options Available


    5% Off & Free Shipping with Auto Refill sign up

  7. Ultra Copper Knee Support-349566 Ultra Copper Knee Support-349566
    4 Options Available


    20% Off Warehouse Sale

  8. 372877

  9. 374507

  10. Brain Games® Sticker-By-Number Faith Books-371338 Brain Games® Sticker-By-Number Faith Books-371338
    2 Options Available

  11. Backrest Pillow-338056 Backrest Pillow-338056
    4 Options Available

  12. The Harlow Rocker Cushion Set by OakRidge™-372759 The Harlow Rocker Cushion Set by OakRidge™-372759
    3 Options Available

  13. 372354

  14. Crossband Comfort Slides, Ladies'-370012 Crossband Comfort Slides, Ladies'-370012
    4 Options Available

  15. 373366

  16. 341608

  17. 349984

  18. 373595

  19. 371608

  20. 373368

  21. 310580

  22. 366588

  23. 370564

  24. 371542

  25. Therapeutic Massaging Slip Ons-370022 Therapeutic Massaging Slip Ons-370022
    2 Options Available

  26. 349605

  27. 351423


    5% Off & Free Shipping with Auto Refill sign up

  28. 366766

  29. Elastic Elbow Support-373403
    4 Sizes Available

  30. 374973

  31. 373632

  32. Elastic Ankle Support-373404
    4 Sizes Available

  33. Animal Tapestry Dual Coin Pouch-374309 Animal Tapestry Dual Coin Pouch-374309
    2 Options Available

  34. 355183

  35. 372580

  36. 373340

  37. Silver Steps™ Adjustable Edema Slippers-369287 Silver Steps™ Adjustable Edema Slippers-369287
    Icon of product feature
    9 Options Available

  38. Parker Water-Resistant Sherpa Sofa Cover by OakRidge™-363771 Parker Water-Resistant Sherpa Sofa Cover by OakRidge™-363771
    3 Options Available

  39. 310581


Find the best deals on some of our most popular independent lifestyle items by shopping the clearance section at Easy Comforts. We’re always searching for the newest and most innovative products to add to our Easy Comforts catalog, which means that, periodically, we need to clear out some of our older items. This can be a real savings boost to those seeking senior living products at a great value. Take advantage of affordable pricing by snagging these last-chance deals before they’re gone for good.

Some of the products listed here include apparel, footwear, hosiery, housewares, beauty, personal care and anti-aging products, incontinence accessories and mobility aids. There are two ways to browse this vast collection. The slow and steady way is to leisurely scroll each page individually. The fast and efficient way is to select specific categories at the top of this page to only view products on sale within each category. Both ways lead to great savings.

Clearance Apparel, Footwear and Hosiery

Whether you’re in search of your next favorite fashion item or an accessory with medical value, you’re sure to find it in our clearance clothing selection. Find stylish garments as well as useful items such as compression socks and diabetic hosiery. We also carry all kinds of footwear, including slipper socks and athletic shoes to wear when you do your daily exercises.

Beauty, Anti-Aging and Personal Care Products on Clearance

It’s always a great time to pamper yourself when you find such great deals on beauty products in our clearance section. This also includes personal care items and anti-aging products on sale. Some of these products include skin creams, designer perfume, hair accessories and nail polish. Find everything you need to look your best in this selection.

Housewares on Sale

Get the tools you need to make your home life easier by shopping our selection of clearance housewares. You’ll find kitchen accessories, bathroom products and bedroom accessories to outfit your entire home. Some of these include cleaning supplies and tools that will make housecleaning easier as you age. Others include kitchen tools such as jar openers and timers.

Clearance Incontinence Products

Find excellent prices on some of our most popular bladder control products in our clearance section. From disposable pads to washable incontinence briefs, we offer a wide selection of absorbent products on sale. You’ll find options for both men and women that are sure to make embarrassing leaks a thing of the past.

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